What is a SparklePack?

SparklePacks are implemented as a feature of the SparkleFormation library, providing a means to package SparkleFormation building blocks and templates as reusable, redistributable software artifacts. A SparklePack may package up any combination of SparkleFormation building blocks and templates.

sfn supports loading SparklePacks distributed as Ruby gems. You can find published SparklePacks on the RubyGems site by searching for the sparkle-pack prefix.

Enabling SparklePacks

The following examples use the sparkle-pack-aws-availability-zones gem. In reviewing the source code of that project on Github, note that it provides a zones registry which uses the aws-sdk-core library to return an array of available AZs.

When using sfn with Bundler, we’ll add any SparklePacks we want to enable to the sfn group in our Gemfile:

# Gemfile
source 'https://rubygems.org'

gem 'sfn'

group :sfn do
  gem 'sparkle-pack-aws-availability-zones'

After running bundle, the SparklePack is installed but not yet enabled:

$ cat sparkleformation/zones_test.rb
SparkleFormation.new(:zones_test) do
  zones registry!(:zones)

$ bundle exec sfn print --file zones_test
ERROR: SparkleFormation::Error::NotFound::Registry: Failed to locate item named: `zones`

Adding the gem to an array of sparkle_packs in the .sfn configuration file will activate it for use:

Configuration.new do
  sparkle_pack [ 'sparkle-pack-aws-availability-zones' ]

Invoking zones registry in the template is now functional:

$ bundle exec sfn print --file zones_test
  "Zones": [