WARNING: Translations of templates between providers is no longer being actively developed.


SparkleFormation has alpha support for template translation from AWS CFN to target orchestration API template formats.

NOTE: Translations do not currently support stack nesting functionality

Supported Translations

Basic support implementations:

  • OpenStack
  • Rackspace


Translations are based around AWS CFN and then target some remote orchestration API (currently Heat and Rackspace). First the template must be compiled, then it is passed to the translator which converts the CFN specific template to the expected format of the target API:

sfn = SparkleFormation.new(:my_stack) do

cfn_template = sfn.compile.dump!
translator = SparkleFormation::Translation::Heat.new(cfn_template)

heat_template = translator.translate!

In general applications of translators, the implementation will first collect optional template parameters prior to translation allowing the translator access to parameters that may be required in places where the resultant template may not have support for dynamic references. These can then be passed to the translator:

sfn = SparkleFormation.new(:my_stack) do

cfn_template = sfn.compile.dump!
custom_params = collect_parameters(cfn_template)
translator = SparkleFormation::Translation::Heat.new(
  :parameters => custom_params

heat_template = translator.translate!