Stubbing builtins

SparkleFormation provides a number of builtin resources using the dynamic! helper. These known resources are collected when SparkleFormation is released. Because this is a static list of resource types it is common for new resources to be introduced within a cloud provider and not be available within SparkleFormation. Since the new resource types will not be available within SparkleFormation until the next release, stubbing the builtin will provide the same behavior as if it were included within the builtin list.

For example, lets assume that AWS CloudFormation introduces a new resource type named AWS::JVM::Instance. To stub this resource a new dynamic can be created locally:

SparkleFormation.dynamic(:jvm_instance) do |name|
  resources.set!("#{name}_jvm_instance".to_sym) do
    type "AWS::JVM::Instance"

With this dynamic defined it will behave the same as if it were defined in the builtin list: do
  dynamic!(:jvm_instance, :test) do
    properties.memory 512

which results in:

  "Resources": {
    "TestJvmInstance": {
      "Type": "AWS::JVM::Instance",
      "Properties": {
        "Memory": 512

Once the AWS::JVM::Instance becomes available in the builtin list within SparkleFormation the custom stub dynamic can be deleted.

Resource conflicts

Resource conflicts can occur when the same resource name is used in multiple resource namespaces. If a template has created resources using the dynamic! helper and not included the resource’s namespace, conflicts will occur when the new resource becomes available. An example of this is the AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer resource.

Assume that the following template is in use: do
  dynamic!(:load_balancer, :app)

and it generates:

  "Resources": {
    "AppLoadBalancer": {
      "Type": "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer"

Now, AWS releases a new resource with a conflicting name AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer and SparkleFormation’s internal resource list has been updated. When the template is run again, it returns an error about conflicting resource names. One solution is to update the dynamic! call to include the namespace: do
  dynamic!(:elastic_load_balancing_load_balancer, :app)

and it will then generate:

  "Resources": {
    "AppElasticLoadBalancingLoadBalancer": {
      "Type": "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer"

This resolves the conflict issue, yet in practice the modification of the resource name will likely cause issues in complex templates where the resource is being referenced in other locations. To allow templates to remain unchanged, a new dynamic can be introduced which will force matching of the :load_balancer name to the local dynamic:

SparkleFormation.dynamic(:load_balancer) do |name|
  dynamic!(:elastic_load_balancing_load_balancer, name, :resource_name_suffix => :load_balancer)

With this dynamic in place, all original templates will continue to behave as expected without individual modifications.