SparkleFormation DSL

The SparkleFormation DSL (domain specific language) is based on (and built on top of) the AttributeStruct library. This provides SparkleFormation with its free-form behavior and allows immediate support of any template style or API updates requiring modifications to existing templates.

For a closer look at the underlying features provided by the AttributeStruct library, please refer to the AttributeStruct documentation.


The behavior of the SparkleFormation DSL is largely dictated by the AttributeStruct library, and as such are not specific to SparkleFormation alone. Some optional features of the AttributeStruct library are automatically enabled when using SparkleFormation, most notably the automatic camel casing of key values.

Key Alteration

The default behavior of SparkleFormation is to camel case all Hash keys. This is done via:

AttributeStruct.camel_keys = true

And results in all Hash keys in the resultant compile Hash being converted to a camel cased format: do
  parameters.creator.default 'spox'

The resultant data structure after compiling:

  "Parameters": {
    "Creator": {
      "Default": "spox"

In some cases it may be desired to have a key not be automatically camel cased. Camel casing can be disabled via a helper method that is attached to the Symbol and String instances: do
  parameters.set!(:creator.disable_camel!).default 'spox'

The resultant data structure after compiling:

  "Parameters": {
    "creator": {
      "Default": "spox"

Depending on the formatting of the target template there may be lack of consistency within certain locations. A classic example of this inconsistency can be seen in the AWS::CloudFormation::Init metadata section on compute type resources. Within the context of this Init section the format of the keys change from the standard camel casing to a snake cased format. It is possible to handle this by using the disable_camel! method for all defined keys, but it is clunky and reduces the readability of the code.

As the data structure is built when compiling the SparkleFormation template state is tracked at each “level” of the data structure. When the camel casing is enabled on AttributeStruct, this is merely the default behavior and can be overridden, even from within the DSL. For example: do
  parameters do
    creator.default 'spox'
  outputs.creator.value ref!(:creator.disable_camel!)

The resultant data structure after compiling:

  "Parameters": {
    "creator": {
      "default": "spox"
  "Outputs": {
    "Value": {
      "Ref": "creator"

This example shows how the behavior of the Hash key modification can be altered at a specific context within the data structure. New values added (as well as nested) will not the camel casing modification applied. The behavior can be adjusted at multiple depth locations, and that behavior will persist on re-entry: do
  parameters do
    creator do
      default 'spox'
  outputs.creator.value ref!(:creator.disable_camel!)
  parameters.creator.type 'String' 'John Doe'

The resultant data structure after compiling:

  "Parameters": {
    "creator": {
      "Default": "spox",
      "Type": "String"
    "author": {
      "default": "John Doe"
  "Outputs": {
    "Value": {
      "Ref": "creator"


Data Access

As a SparkleFormation template is compiled it is dynamically building the data structure defined by the template. Because this data structure is being generated during compilation, the template itself has access to this data and can inspect the state of the data structure as it exists at that specific time. This allows for inspecting previously defined data and using that data for decision making, or to copy/modify into other locations.

Local Context Data

When using block style syntax in the DSL an optional parameter can be defined for the block. If provided, AttributeStruct will pass the local AttributeStruct instance to the block when it is executed: do
  parameters.creator.default 'spox'
  parameters do |params|
    author.default params.creator.default

The resultant data structure after compiling:

  "Parameters": {
    "Creator": {
      "Default": "spox"
    "Author": {
      "Default": "spox"
Parent Context Data

It is possible to access the parent context data from the current context: do
  parameters.creator.default 'spox' do
    default parent!.creator.default

The resultant data structure after compiling:

  "Parameters": {
    "Creator": {
      "Default": "spox"
    "Author": {
      "Default": "spox"
Root Context Data

It is possible to access the root context data from the current context: do
  parameters.creator.default 'spox' root!.parameters.creator.default

The resultant data structure after compiling:

  "Parameters": {
    "Creator": {
      "Default": "spox"
    "Author": {
      "Default": "spox"
Raw Access

The raw Hash instance holding the data of the current context can be reached using the data! method: do
  parameters.creator.default 'spox'
  if(data!['Creator'].default == 'spox') 'xops'

The resultant data structure after compiling:

  "Parameters": {
    "Creator": {
      "Default": "spox"
    "Author": {
      "Default": "xops"

NOTE: Because data! returns a Hash instance, no automatic formatting (camel case conversions) will be applied to keys when accessing values.